Thank you for watching my video “15 Steps to Beat Writer’s Block.” I hope you found it inspiring and helpful!

Personally, I’ve experienced just about every type of “writer’s block” imaginable and I know how debilitating and lonely it can be. Yet, still I write.

And I’d like you to write, as well. What holds you back? What “block” stumbles you?

It would be my pleasure to meet you via video chat to discuss your writing conundrums. Just sign up here – it’s my gift to support your writing!

My passion is helping writers like you get your book out into the world. I do that by coaching authors, editing their work, coordinating exclusive writer’s retreats, teaching live, on-line workshops and helping writers publish their books.

I appreciate your connecting with me today and I hope we have a long and fulfilling association.

To your writing success!

Kelly Hayes-Raitt